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Why won't my air conditioner turn on? Find out here.

Why Won’t My Air Conditioner Turn On?

All Posts One of our most frequent calls during the height of summer is, ‘Help, my air conditioner won’t turn on!’ When outside temperatures are nearing ninety degrees, you want to make sure that your HVAC equipment is in tip-top

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A furnace open and ready to be given a furnace tune-up.

How Often Do You Need a Furnace Tune-Up?

All Posts After the first big cold snap, many Michiganders are wondering if they need a furnace tune-up. In most cases, we recommend scheduling a furnace inspection once per year. Yearly furnace inspections ensure your family stays comfortable, safeguard the

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An interior look at a furnace replacement in progress.

5 Signs It’s Time for a Furnace Replacement

All Posts Nobody wants to worry about furnace replacement in the middle of winter. But, most Michigan homeowners know that it’s always a possibility. And, when the bitter cold finally hits, you don’t want your family huddling beneath piles of

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