

What to Know About New EPA Refrigerant Regulations in 2025

August 22, 2024

Major changes are coming to the HVAC industry in 2025, which will require new HVAC systems to eliminate their use of R-410A. Over the next decade, the EPA aims to transition all equipment to refrigerants with a lower Global Warming Potential.

But, what effect will this have on your current HVAC equipment? How will it impact your monthly utility bills? And, most importantly, will older refrigerants still be available for existing equipment?

New EPA Refrigerant Regulations 2025

In 2025, the goal is to eliminate all refrigerants with a high Global Warming Potential. In practice, this means that all new AC units must use refrigerants with a GWP rating of 750 or less. A major reduction from current options that average about 2,000 GWP, the aim is to limit negative effects on the ozone layer, encourage environmental friendliness, and innovate better AC systems.

What Is the R-410A Phase Out?

By phasing out R-410A refrigerant over the next decade, the EPA intends to shift to the use of alternative refrigerants. The new refrigerants, part of the A2L family, must be used in any HVAC system manufactured after January 1, 2025.

New equipment will utilize either R-454B or R-32. But, this change will have no immediate impact on your current HVAC system. Your HVAC company will still be able to service your existing system.

Stance of the Environmental Protection Agency

As we’ve said, the EPA wants to shift all new systems to more sustainable refrigerants. As part of a broader effort to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the overarching goal of the effort is to ensure that the primary refrigerant used by future air conditioners is sustainable, low toxicity, and safe for the environment.

Impact on HVAC Systems

Probably the biggest effect the phase out will have is on the manufacturing of new equipment. But, since this doesn’t really impact homeowners, we won’t cover it here. For more information, you can always check out the EPA’s FAQ page.

For homeowners, the effects may not be immediate. If you need to replace your HVAC system, you could see equipment prices increase by 15% to 30%. So, if you’ve been looking to replace your air conditioning system, you can save a lot of money by buying before the R-410A phase down begins.

And, as production of R-410A wanes, your HVAC professional may have difficulty acquiring it. As a result, it’s anticipated that the cost of R-410A will steadily increase over the next ten years.

In addition to material costs, R-454B or R-32 will also require additional safety protocols for both homeowners and contractors. Safety shut-off devices will also need to be installed on new AC systems. Because of this, new tools and training will be required of contractors, as well, which will undoubtedly affect the cost of installing systems moving forward.

An AC technician works to replace refrigerant in an outdoor air conditioner.

Benefits of the New HVAC Systems

Despite the cost increases, it’s not all doom and gloom. And, in fact, the transition to R-410A refrigerant offers a number of important benefits.

Lower Global Warming Potential

New refrigerants offer a greatly reduced global warming potential, which can help to prevent millions of yearly deaths caused by air pollution and climate change. Obviously, saving lives is a massive benefit all on its own, but long-term reduction of greenhouse gas emissions also improves the quality of life of people across the globe.

Automatic Shutoff and Improved Safety

Every new HVAC system will be equipped with advanced sensors on its coils to detect leaks. And, if it detects one, it will automatically shut off your air conditioner, activate the fan, and work to eliminate any excess build up of refrigerant.

Lower Utility Bills

As we’ve mentioned, the initial cost of installing a new system may be more expensive. But, since these new systems are far more energy efficient, you can expect lower utility bills after replacing your current system. Of course, the jury’s still out on exactly how much you’ll save, but most HVAC professionals estimate the savings will be between 5% and 10%.

Increased Comfort

For our residential clients, we know that comfort is a key consideration. When you’re shopping for a new HVAC system, you want to be certain you’re selecting equipment that’s up to the task of heating and cooling your home. New HVAC systems are engineered to be quieter, more efficient, and better at filtering out airborne pollutants, all of which mean they deliver higher levels of comfort than older systems.

Better for the Environment

Caring for our environment is the core mission of the Environmental Protection Agency. So, it should be no surprise that these changes are, by and large, substantially gentler on the Earth that we all inhabit.

Because they’re more energy efficient, these HVAC systems consume less energy, which reduces the emission of greenhouse gases, reduces our carbon footprint, and actively fights against climate change.

Need to Update Your Air Conditioning System?

Whether you’re looking at heat pump systems, mini splits, or air conditioners, you’ll want to pull the trigger before the new refrigerant laws. As equipment manufacturers begin their transition to the new refrigerants, you can expect marked price increases.

Of course, at Fleetwood’s Heating & Cooling, we’ll be here to service your existing equipment. But, we want all of our customers to save as much as possible on their HVAC systems. So, we invite you to reach out to us, discuss your concerns, and let us help find a way to preserve the future of your furnace and air conditioning systems.