After the first big cold snap, many Michiganders are wondering if they need a furnace tune-up. In most cases, we recommend scheduling a furnace inspection once per year. Yearly furnace inspections ensure your family stays comfortable, safeguard the longevity of your equipment, and help reduce energy bills. And, more importantly, annual tune-ups may be a requirement to maintain your furnace’s warranty.
Just like your vehicle, furnace’s are mechanical devices that need regular maintenance. Without proper care, your furnace may operate less efficiently, cost more to run, or – worst of all – break down. So, what does an annual tune-up accomplish?
At Fleetwood’s Heating & Cooling, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with expert services to keep their HVAC systems running smoothly. Our unique approach empowers our customers by helping them truly understand their equipment. And, because our team is made up of long-term HVAC experts, we’re able to provide the area’s most comprehensive heating and cooling services.
So, if you’ve missed out on scheduling your furnace tune-up this year, don’t wait any longer! Give us a call today or reach out to us via our contact form to schedule a visit from one of our experienced technicians.